الأحد، 2 أكتوبر 2011

How to Eat Healthy to Help Prevent Breast Cancer

How to Eat Healthy to Help Prevent Breast Cancer

To complete this How-To you will need:

Cruciferous vegetables
High-fiber foods
Green tea
A healthy weight

Step 1: Eat your broccoli

Eat broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and other cruciferous vegetables. They're high in indoles, which reduce levels of estrogen, a hormone that can feed breast tumors.

Step 2: Increase your fiber

Getting at least 20 grams of fiber a day can cut your risk, especially if you're postmenopausal. Look for cereals and breads whose first ingredient is a whole grain.

Step 3: Sip green tea

Sip green tea. It contains catechins, cancer-fighting antioxidants.

Step 4: Limit alcohol

Limit alcoholic beverages. In one study, having two to five drinks a day increased the risk of breast cancer 1.5 times compared with teetotalers.

Step 5: Eat less fat

Eat less trans fat, which is found in processed foods like cakes, crackers, and cookies. High blood levels of trans fat can double your risk.

Tip: The American Heart Association recommends a daily trans fat intake of less than two grams per day. Check food labels for amounts.

Step 6: Limit red meat

Don't have red meat more than twice a week. In one study, women who ate more than five servings a week for 12 years were 42 percent more likely to get breast cancer than those who ate fewer than three servings per week.

Step 7: Go easy on soy

Go easy on the soy, especially if you are at a high risk for breast cancer. Some research indicates it may stimulate the growth of breast cancer cells. Limit consumption to two servings a day, at most.

Step 8: Maintain a healthy weight

No matter what you eat, try to maintain a healthy weight. Overweight women are at a higher risk of developing breast cancer. The good news: Postmenopausal women who shed an average of 22 pounds reduced their risk by 57 percent!

Thanks for watching How To Eat Healthy To Help Prevent Breast Cancer!

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